
Bushido, The Way of the Warrior Game

Created by Grey Fox Games

A fast-paced, easy to learn, martial arts themed card and dice game where attack and defense happen at the same time.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Rulebook - Spirit - Survey - City
about 6 years ago – Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 06:26:11 PM

Howdy Bushido backers!

I hope this past month has been a good one for you! We're all excited for warmer weather here. We wanted to pass along a few updates...


 That picture you see above is our graphic designer Tyler working on a full layout of the rulebook that will come with the game and the expansion. He spent a good chunk of the weekend and much of today getting things where we want them to be. We'll be proofreading it much of this week with the hopes of having most everything for the game ready to go to the printer within the next two weeks.

Spirit School

Even this close to hitting the print button, we're still receiving new art from Malcolm Wope. This is for a card called Sarutahiko Patience, one of the exclusive Spirit School cards. We're really excited with how these are turning out!


 This is our current dashboard on BackerKit for surveys. As you can see, the vast majority of backers have filled theirs out, which is awesome! We just sent out reminder emails to the handful of folks who still haven't filled theirs out. If you're having issues, please let us know at [email protected]

City of Gears

 And just as a final little plug... we're in the final days of our latest campaign for City of Gears, an area control game by Chris Leder and Daryl Andrews. You can check that out here. 

All the best!

Alex - Grey Fox Games

Making Final Tweaks
about 6 years ago – Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 09:17:33 PM

Hey there Bushido backers!

Long time no speak. I hope it's not too cold wherever you are.

We're in the midst of fulfilling another campaign, Deception: Undercover Allies, and getting ready to launch another game, City of Gears (, but didn't want you thinking we'd forgotten about you, our awesome samurai warriors.

Our lead game developer Josh and I have been playing this quite a bit at work as he works with the game's designer, Pedro P. Mendoza, on finalized versions of cards. 

Mostly that's been checking to make sure iconography is consistent and clear, but the big issue at the moment is ensuring techniques and weapons are well-balanced. Every session we seem to find something small to work on for the next one.

The other focus has been on ensuring that the exclusive Spirit School cards you unlocked are well tied to their schools and worth using. They've been a lot of fun to play with and we're excited for you to get this game in your hands and play it!

We're also still getting some art in from Malcolm Wope, one of the game's artists. Here's the Fire Spirit School card, Kagu-Tsuchi Strike, which we're sharing on here first.

 So far, nothing to indicate that we won't hit our anticipated timeline, but it's still plenty early.

Thanks to everyone who's filled out their survey on BackerKit. Right now, only 35 backers have yet to fill those surveys out. If you are having trouble with yours, please send us an email at [email protected] .

All the best,

Alex - Grey Fox Games

Surveys Have Gone Out!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2018 at 09:12:21 PM

Hey Bushido  backers,  

Check the email inboxes tied to your Kickstarter account because you should now have your survey from BackerKit. As of this update, we've already seen about 50 responses so far. Thank you to everyone who jumped on this one right away! It helps ensure we know where to send your games when we have everything ready to send out.

 We can't stress this enough so we'll repeat it again... If you don't fill those out, we will have no idea where to send your game to when it's ready and if you're an international backer your shipping costs may increase if you miss the deadline. You'll have a few months to update your shipping addresses and finalize exactly what you want to have.  

If you have any problems with BackerKit or don't see your survey, please email us at [email protected] for help as we'll see those requests faster. Thanks again for your support!  


Post-Campaign Update #2 - BackerKit Surveys
over 6 years ago – Thu, Jan 04, 2018 at 09:49:24 PM

Hey there Bushido backers!  

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Just a very quick update for you on what's next. Sometime likely early next week we will be sending out surveys to you via BackerKit to collect shipping information and allow you to add games. We'll give you another heads up when those go out, but it's very important that when they do get there into your inbox, you fill those out immediately.

 To repeat from last update, If you don't fill those out, we will have no idea where to send your game to when it's ready and if you're an international backer your shipping costs may increase if you miss the deadline. You'll have a few months to update your shipping addresses and finalize any add-ons. 

Back on our end, we're making good progress on making tweaks, especially to expansion cards, to ensure everything is fine-tuned well. There's still some graphical/rulebook work to get wrapped up before we can send this one to print, but no reason at this stage to think we'll miss our estimated delivery in June.


 You'll see a few add-on games aside from Bushido available in that Backerkit survey.

7 Ronin is one we think Bushido backers might especially be interested in, not just because of a similar theme but also because it's a two-player head-to-head game as well. 

International backers might notice that shipping prices for these add-on games is significantly higher than adding on things like copies of Bushido or the Rising Rage expansion. Fulfilling these games is a little trickier internationally as we have to ship them separately from Bushido itself, directly from here in the US. Thanks for your understanding.

Please feel free to reach out here if you have any questions or send an email to [email protected].

Thanks and all the best,


Post-Campaign Update #1 - What's Next
over 6 years ago – Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 09:19:39 PM

Hey there Bushido backers!

It's been a few days since the campaign ended with me handing Josh an epic 2 game defeat on a live stream. Remember that? Good times! (for me anyway).

We figured you'd be looking for an update on what's next in the process. The big next step is going to be sending out the pledge manager. We'll be operating through BackerKit, but as you can imagine, getting things set up during the holiday season can take a little longer than normal. Some of us will be travelling for Christmas, others won't but won't necessarily be in the office.

 At this stage we're expecting to have everything ready on the pledge manager end the first week of January. As the first note of many on this topic, when you receive those pledge managers please fill them out as soon as you possibly can. If you don't fill those out, we will have no idea where to send your game to when it's ready and if you're an international backer your shipping costs may increase if you miss the deadline. 

At that time, we'll also have a better status report on where the game sits and other timing info.

Until then, please enjoy the holidays! May you game to your heart's content with visions of dueling ninjas dancing around in your head.
